
Час i Події


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Чого, на Вашу думку, найбільше бракує Україні для перемоги?
Ядерної зброї
Міжнародної підтримки
Совісті найвищого керівництва
Ваш варіант відповіді

2232 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60622
Phone: (773) 697-3922
Fax    : (773) 489-0031
Sofia Razumova - Marketing Director

Classified Ads are taken by mail only!
Cost of one word  (more than 1 character) - 25c
Word in uppercase - 50c
Business card size ads - $9
Make your Checks or money orders payable to


p.O. Box 221294,  Chicago, IL 60622


"Chas  i  Podii"  is the American Ukrainian weekly Chicago-based

full-color newspaper for the Ukrainian community of Greater Chicago.

Circulation: 40,000 per month.

Founded: May 1996.

Frequency: weekly.

Format: Full color, 11 3/8"X17" page size, 80 pages

Distribution: 152  locations in Chicago and suburbs, states of New York, New Jersey, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Ohio.

Publisher: Mediator, Inc.


For more than 17 years we have provided the Ukrainian community of Greater Chicago and other states with comprehensive, invaluable information about important political, economical and cultural events around the world.

During this time our readership has included a wide audience of readers of all ages, with differing interests and fields of employment.

The Ukrainian community is rapidly growing and developing. Our community is an ideal market for new products and services.

New arrivals to the USA are building new lives here from scratch. Areas of critical need include banks, real estate and mortgage services, attorneys and doctors, auto dealers and insurance agents, grocery and food services, shopping locations, and furniture stores. These potential customers need banks to invest their money, and banks or other companies to transfer the money home.  They need help in identifying resources for daily activities.


Our readers


The history of the Ukrainian emigration to America has extended for over 300 years. Ukrainian community in the United States is one of the largest and has a wide and well organized infrastructure of public and financial institutions.


Here is a snapshot of our Ukrainian reader:

Ukrainians represent 0.5% of the population of the United States.

Nearly 70% of the Ukrainian population in America has a higher education level than the general population.

34% own their own businesses.

Almost 90% of American Ukrainians live in cities and 21% of them work for trading or financial companies.

In addition 13% of our readers are in the US armed forces, 12% work in education, 11, and 5% - for organizations of health care. And the Ukrainian language is taught in 28 colleges and universities in America today.


Nearly 400,000 Ukrainians live in Greater Chicago today. During the last 10 years the size of this community has tripled with new arrivals from Ukraine as well as from other areas of U.S. The role of Ukrainian businesses continues to increase and positively impact Greater Chicago.  


Our impact


Our newspaper plays a huge role in the cultural growth of our community. We provide a lot of useful information that helps new immigrants acclimate. We highlight people from the community who have succeeded in academics, politics, and sports, which inspires people and gives them courage to strive for a bigger and better future.



Rate List Price per issueArtworkDisc./15%/ price

$ 225$ 30$ 195

$ 115$ 20$ 95

1/4 OF PAGE (37
$ 70$ 20$ 60

1/8 OF PAGE (18
$ 50 $ 20$ 40

1/16 OF PAGE  (9
$ 35$ 15 $ 20


  • for contracts 3 months and up 15%

Options  - full color pages:

  • For all pages Add 30%
  • Last page (back cover) Add 100%
  • Centerfold Add 50%
  • First color ad - page 5 Add 50%

We offer the best possible quality advertisement for your money.  Try our newspaper.  You will be extremely satisfied! 





Our newspaper has been in the American market for over 17 years!

During this time we've established a loyal following, and reached out to a broad audience. During this time we have earned a good reputation as a valuable publication.

"Time and Events" is distributed in 152 areas of Greater Chicago as well as in the states of New York, New Jersey, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania. It can also be found on board of Aerosvit airlines. Besides the Ukrainian community, our newspaper also targets members of Russian and Polish communities who can read Ukrainian.

For those American Ukrainians, who can't access our newspaper, we have launched a new web site Information on the site is updated weekly and the number of hits continues to increase daily.

Place your information on our web site! Thousands of potential customers will see your ads every day!

The Ukrainian community is growing quickly and its economic impact continues to increase. This is an ideal market for your services and products. We look forward to working with you.

Let your new customers learn about what you have to offer and let us help you to grow your business.


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Banner 468X60px - 200$ per month


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