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English \ Mayor news \ Canadian Jewish Congress organized nazis

A Jewish-Canadian author is in a battle of words with the Canadian Jewish Congress after alleging the organization props up neo-nazi groups to get "hate crime" legislation passed and expand the role of the country's Human Rights Commission.

Neo-conservative author Ezra Levant claims in his latest book, Shakedown, that the Canadian Jewish Congress hired ex-cop John Garrity to work for the Canadian Nazi Party in the 1960's. In 1965 and 1966, Garrity was put in charge of membership for the group and organized the dozen or so "rag-tag band of losers" into an outfit that garned a lot of press coverage.

That media attention was used by the CJC to build up a precieved public threat that persuaded Parliament to abridge Canada's freedom of speech, Levant contends. The CJC, which had been advocating restrictions on free speech in Canada since the 1930’s, used the Nazi Party's publicity to successfully lobby for the 1971 "hate law" (Section 319 of the Criminal Code). The end result was the enactment of Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which "empowers the Canadian Human Rights Commission to deal with complaints regarding the communication of hate messages by telephone or on the Internet."


Back in November 2000, former Canadian Nazi Party leader John Beattie was scheduled to testify at a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal that he was a "dupe and a patsy" for the CJC. He was also going to explain how an agent from the CJC (presumably Garrity) "proposed legal maneuvers [sic] that were calculated to frighten and cause distress among Jews." However, Beattie never testified, a point many have speculated upon.


The tables were stunningly turned on Warman last month, after the CHRC rebuked Warman for his anti-Semitic postings the White Nationalist website Warman defended himself by saying his posts that "Jews are scum" was an attempt to gather information on real Nazis, but the tribunal called his actions "disappointing and disturbing," and ruled that he risked encouragingmore hateful messages himself.

"Warman's actions appalled the tribunal, but apparently not the CJC," says Levant. "Just as the CJC did with Garrity, Nazi opponents continue to stir up neo-Nazi incidents -- as if there aren't enough real threats to Jews as it is."

Current CJC co-president, Rabbi Reuven Bulka, has dissmissed Levant's allegations as "fiction" and that all the group did for the Nazis was "to purchase a bottle of rum" for them. Rabbi Bulka wants a retraction to the allegations.

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