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English \ UABA Urges Swift Congressional Passage of S. 2828 and HR. 5782
The Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA) strongly urges swift congressional passage of Senate Bill 2828 and House Bill HR 5782.  These bipartisan bills will grant Ukraine "Major Non-NATO Ally Status" (MNNA) and defensive military assistance.  Once these bills become law, they will greatly enhance the United States' national security interests and will promote peace on the Eurasian continent and throughout the world.
It is obvious that economic sanctions in and of themselves are woefully deficient and will not stop Russia's unlawful aggression against Ukraine.  Despite all its denials, the Kremlin now openly deploys its heavily armed military on Ukrainian territory, and continually re-supplies its mercenary "separatists" with impunity under the guise of "humanitarian aid."  Putin has doubled down on his bellicose pronouncements and has vehemently restated his resolve to return Russia to the previous borders of the former USSR, and even to expand the Kremlin's hegemony over the eastern parts of the European Union.  Obviously, Vladimir Putin has made the economic calculation that he can withstand the financial price of a scolding by the West (including any additional sanctions that could be imposed in the future)  -- and all international agreements, promises, and pledges Russia had signed in the past don't matter.
America readily supplies lethal weapons worth billions of dollars to questionable allies in the Middle East.  We are ready to put "boots on the ground" to protect countries in that region, many of which have well-equipped armies of their own and the economic strength to fully support their own military, but these same countries do not put their citizenry's boots on the ground to defend their own territorial integrity from invasion.  We are asked to do it for them -- and we have done that!   However, when it comes to Ukraine, which does not ask America to put our soldiers in the line of fire -- Ukrainians already have their sons and daughters dying daily on the front lines -- but asks only for adequate weapons so that Ukraine's sons and daughters can suitably defend themselves, America rebuffs Ukraine's dire requests with lame excuses.
Had Ukraine received American and Western military aid earlier in a timely fashion, Ukraine would have been in a better military posture to repel the pro-Russian terrorists and seal its border from further Russian incursion.  Continued tardiness or inaction by the United States Congress in rendering timely military aid to Ukraine will  condemn Ukraine to an endless and hopeless waiting for American assistance -- as the characters in "Waiting for Godot"-- only to have its sovereign territory painfully eroded by Russian aggression, with extensive casualties to its population, with millions of people displaced, and many a young Ukrainian soldier killed by a stronger and brutal aggressor nation whose only goal is imperial territorial expansion.  If Ukraine falls, then the horrific conflagration of war will spill over into the eastern part of the European Union and will necessitate American "boots on the ground".  All this may be avoided if the United States Congress acts now and fulfills its obligation and duty to give timely military assistance to Ukraine.

For further information, please contact
Myroslaw Smorodsky, Esq.
 Communications Director of the Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA)
 Tel: 201-507-4500; Email; [email protected] ;
Maria Korkatsch-Groszko, Ph.D.

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