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American-Ukrainian Club \ Секрети сталих виразів американської англійської: Тed’s dау at school

Ted tells his parents he did poorly on his chemistry test. They tell him he needs to get serious and study more.
Тед повідомляє своїм батькам про те, що він завалив контрольну роботу з хімії. Вони радять йому узятися за розум і більше займатися.
Susan: How was your day at school today, Ted?
Ted: Bad. I had a chemistry test, and I blew it!
Susan: Maybe if you didn’t cut class so often, you’d do better.
Bob: That’s right, son. Stop slacking off and start hitting the books!
Ted: But I can’t stand chemistry class. Besides, it’s a lost cause. That class is way over my head.
Susan: You need to buckle down.
Ted: When I’m a famous musician, people won’t give a hoot about my knowledge of atoms and molecules.
Bob: That’s beside the point.
Susan: We know you have your heart set on going to New York University.
Bob: And you don’t stand a chance of getting in there with such poor grades!
beside the point – not relevant непринциповий; неважливий
Example: Whether or not I asked the waiter to bring us water is beside the point. Waiters should always bring water to the table.
(to) blow something – to spoil or botch something провалити або зіпсувати що-небудь
Example: Joan blew the interview and didn’t get the job offer.
(to) buckle down – to start working seriously братися енергійно за справу; зосередитися на чому-небудь
Example: If Don buckles down now, he might be able to graduate from high school this year.
can’t stand – to hate не любити; не терпіти, ненавидіти
Example: Bob can’t stand bureaucrats, so he’d never do well working at a large corporation.
(to) cut class – to miss class without an excuse прогуляти урок; утекти з уроку
Example: Ted often cuts class to spend more time with his girlfriend.


Get real! – be serious or realistic about what’s going on Повернися із хмар на землю! Подивися на речі реально!
Example: You think you won’t get a speeding ticket when you drive 85 miles per hour? Get real!
(to) have one’s heart set on – to really want something дуже сильно прагнути до чогось
Example: Nicole has her heart set on studying at Oxford for a semester.
(to) hit the books – to start studying сісти за книги; узятися за навчання
Example: Ted parried all weekend. Finally, on Sunday night, he decided it was time to hit the books.
lost cause – something hopeless безнадійне діло; порожня витівка
Example: Cindy spent five years studying Japanese. Finally, she realized it was a lost cause. She would never learn it.
(to) not give a hoot – to not care about наплювати на; начхати на (розмовн.); бути байдужим до чого-небудь
Example: Tom likes to walk around town in his pajamas– he doesn’t give a hoot what people think.
Synonym: to not give a damn [грубо.]
over one’s head – beyond one’s understanding вище чийогось розуміння; не вкладатися в голові
Example: The article on cloning was written for scientists. It was way over my head.
(to) slack off – to waste time ледарювати; нічого не робити
Example: Amanda doesn’t get much done at the office. She’s too busy slacking off.
Note: “Slacking off також означає “пригальмувати свій запал, зняти напруження”.
(to) stand a chance – to have the possibility of success мати шанси; претендувати на успіх
Example: Although the American figure skaters were good, they didn’t stand a chance of winning a gold medal at the Olympics.
Practice the Idioms
Choose the most appropriate reply to the following statements:
1) Bob: “Susan, I can’t get my old job back. It’s a lost cause.” Susan’s reply:
a) “Lost? Maybe I can help you find it.”
b) “Yes, I know it’s not a good cause.”
c) “I understand. You’ll find something else.”
2) Susan: “How could Peter fire you? Were you slacking off?” Bob’s reply:
a) “No. I was working very hard!”
b) “No. I talked on the phone to friends all day.”
c) “Yes. I was working.very hard!”
3) Ted: “It’s getting late. I better start hitting the books.” Bob’s reply:
a) “Yes, that’s a good idea. Spend some time studying.”
b) “Hit the books? Why don’t you read them instead?”
c) “Why don’t you study instead?”
4) Peter: “I don’t give a hoot how long you’ve been working here. Bob’s reply:
a) “I wouldn’t give you a hoot either.”
b) “I guess our years together aren’t important to you.”
c) “Yes, it was a long time.”
5) Bob: “Susan, the truth is that I couldn’t stand Peter.” Susan’s reply:
a) “I know. Peter really liked you too.”
b) “I liked him too. He was a nice guy.”
c) “I didn’t like him either. He was a jerk.”
6) Susan: “Nicole, do you ever cut class?” Nicole’s reply:
a) “No. I’ve never missed a single class.”
b) “Yes. I had to leave my math class early yesterday.”
c) “No. Sometimes I go to the mall during class time.”
7) Bob: “This book on computers is way over my head.” Susan’s reply:
a) “Over your head? It should be in front of your face!”
b) “Why don’t you start with an easier book?”
c) “Here, try this book. It’s more difficult.”
8) Nicole: “I’ve got my heart set on going to the school picnic” Susan’s reply:
a) “Okay. You should definitely go.”
b) “Really? Why don’t you want to go?”
c) “I understand. Picnics can be boring.”
Nicole tells her mother Susan about her successful presentation at school. Her brother Ted overhears and interrupts the conversation.
Ніколь розповідає матері про свій вдалий виступ у школі. Її брат Тед підслуховує й втручається у розмову.
Susan: How was your day at school today, Nicole?
Nicole: It was great, Mom. I gave a presentation on Hillary Clinton in government class. Afterwards, my teacher paid me a compliment.
Susan: What did she say?
Nicole: She said my presentation was head and shoulders above the others.
Susan: Way to go!
Nicole: She also said I should go into politics, just like Hillary.
Ted: You’re so gung ho about school. It drives me crazy.
Nicole: Ted, don’t butt in! You’re just jealous.
Ted: Right. You hit the nail on the head. I’m green with envy.
Nicole: Would you just shut up? You’re on thin ice with me right now.
Ted: Oh no! Look at me. I’m shaking in my shoes!
(to) butt in [slang] – to interrupt; to interfere втручатися у розмову (розмовн.); перебивати
Example: Sara is really rude. She always butts in to other people’s conversations.
(to) drive one crazy – to annoy someone very much виводити когось із себе; нервувати когось
Example: When car alarms go off late at night, it drives me crazy.
Synonyms: to drive one nuts; to drive one up a wall
(to) go into – to enter a profession долучитися до професії; зайнятися чимсь
Example: Lisa enjoys arguing with people, so she decided to go into law.
Note: “Go into” має кілька інших значень:
Увійти кудись. Go into the house and get a pen.
Увійти в певний емоційний стан. Joe went into hysterics.
Обговорити деталі. I don’t have time now to go into the whole story.
green with envy – desiring another’s advantages or things лопнути від заздрості; заздрити комусь
Example: When Andrew got promoted to vice president of the bank, his colleagues were green with envy.
gung ho – very enthusiastic окрилений; повний ентузіазму
Example: Heather is really gung ho about her new job.
head and shoulders above – far superior to на голову або на порядок вище
Example: The Boston Symphony Orchestra is head and shoulders above any other orchestra in the area.
(to) hit the nail on the head – to be absolutely right потрапити в точку; мати рацію
Example: Dawn hit the nail on the head when she said that Tiffany is jealous of Amber.
Synonym: to hit the mark
(to be) on thin ice (with someone) – to be in a dangerous position бути в скрутному або складному становищі
Example: Zachary was on thin ice with his mom after he spent his lunch money on candy bars.
(to) pay (someone) a compliment – to give someone a compliment; to offer someone an admiring comment зробити комусь комплімент; похвалити когось
Example: Professor Russo paid Jennifer a compliment. He said she had a beautiful smile.
(to) shake in one’s shoes – to tremble with fear тремтіти від страху
Example: Brianna is scared of her French teacher, Monsieur Le Monstre. Whenever he speaks to her, Brianna starts shaking in her shoes.
shut up – be quiet, stop speaking замовчати
Example: The professor talked on and on for hours. I thought he’d never shut up.
stop speaking; be quiet Заткнися! Закрій свій рот! (грубо.)
Example: Nicole kept telling Ted to turn down his stereo. Finally, he got angry and said, “Shut up!”
Note: Пам’ятайте, що говорити комусь “Shut up!” – дуже грубо; замість цього ви можете сказати “Be quiet!” або навіть чемніше “Please be quiet!”
Way to go! – Good work! Молодець! Так тримати!
Example: You won $2,000 in the poetry writing contest? Way to go!
Practice the Idioms
Fill in the blank with the missing word:
Nicole is in a good mood because her teacher ____ her a compliment.
a) told b) paid c) provided
Nicole’s teacher told her she was ______ and shoulders above her classmates.
a) elbow b) neck c) head
When my friend Chad told me he’d just won the lottery, I was ____ with envy.
a) blue b) green c) red
When you do something well, your boss might tell you, “Way_____!”
a) to come b) to go c) to act
When the robbers entered my house, I was in the kitchen shaking in my _____.
a) slippers b) pajamas c) shoes
If somebody is bothering you, you can tell them they’re driving you ______.
a) crazy b) angry c) unhappy
If you like power, you might consider going ____ politics.
a) above b) towards c) into
“You’ve been yelling and screaming for the past two hours.
Could you just shut ____ already?”
a) up b) in c) off

Далі буде.

Секрети сталих виразів американської англійської

Секрети сталих виразів американської англійської: Тed’s dау at school



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