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English \ Mayor news \ Jewish group's bid to oust Wasyl Odynsky rejected

The Canadian Press
The Canadian Press title given to Mr.Odynsky in this article is incorrect. Being Ukrainian, Wasyl Odynsky, could not have been "a former SS guard" - only Germans could belong to the SS. 

OTTAWA -- The Federal Court of Canada has rejected a Jewish group's attempt to revoke the citizenship of a former Nazi guard, saying the decision to allow the man to stay in Canada was reasonable and in keeping with the Charter of Rights.

B'nai Brith Canada wanted the court to overrule a federal cabinet decision not to revoke the citizenship of Ukrainian-born Wasyl Odynsky.


The judge ordered B'nai Brith to pay Odynsky's legal costs. He said the cabinet "owes no duty of fairness to third parties in the exercise of its ... authority and has no obligation to provide reasons to anyone other than the person affected."

Added Barnes: "There is also no basis for concluding that (cabinet's) decision was unreasonable or was made in breach of the Charter."

Complete article:

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