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Чого, на Вашу думку, найбільше бракує Україні для перемоги?
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Проблема \ Діаспора і Україна

Від редакції:
У ці скрутні часи Україні просто необхідна допомога діаспори. Однак яка саме допомога потрібна – і чи може діаспора її надати? Однією з найбільших проблем української діаспори є те, що значна частина українців за кордоном  не є політично активними в країні, в якій живуть. Відповідно, вплив діаспори на політичні процеси, для прикладу, у США міг би бути набагато більшим, а відтак і допомога Україні з боку Штатів могла б бути потужнішою. Тож пропонуємо вам погляд на цю проблему канадської журналістки Оксани Башук-Хепберн.

Are We Doing Enough?

Has Ukraine’s diaspora performed to the level needed to get Ukraine out of the Russia crisis?
On many fronts the diaspora’s involvement has been extraordinary.  We’ve packed church services for Ukraine, held global echo-Maidan’s -- amazing tens of thousands in Moscow—organized successful roundtables, petitions, letter-writings, internet storms, meetings, position papers, contacts with politicians, boycotts of Russia’s products—vodka and Lukoil gas stations-- fundraisers and much, much more.  The community is engaged, hardworking and generous.
Most initiatives have been self-generated; not directed by the umbrella leadership.  Non the less, the colossal job of protecting Ukraine from Russia is too complex for well-intended individuals; even for its national and global leadership alone.  Somewhat late, we realized, that without the support of our respective governments, the main street press, friends in high places with power and influence, our objectives to help Ukraine out of its predicament are beyond our capacities.
Why have we missed this?  Perhaps because we’ve devoted generations to attending language schools, concerts, golf-tournaments; to traditional embroidering, pysanky painting, bingo fundraisers –all necessary – but not the same as understanding and cultivating political power.
It’s never too late.
Currently, the world is receptive to Ukraine and repelled by Russia’s criminality—money laundering, sex trafficking, arms sales, invasions of sovereign states—and wants it stopped.  Ukraine is in a position to punch a hole in its arrogant aggression and we must help.
In Canada, the government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been exemplary starting with high-ranking officials in the early days of Maidan.  When ex-president Viktor Yanukovych fled,  Canada recognized the new government, introduced visa sanctions and froze assets of those responsible for the murders of peaceful protestors.  Viktor Yanukovych now finds himself on the Interpol’s most wanted list.  If these were the Oscars, Canada would be favoured in the best supporting category.  If only the male leading role nominees, the United States and the EU were more deserving.
Putin has declared war yet there is not enough political will among Ukraine’s powerful “friends” to deter him.  The “strong, stronger and strongest” words of condemnation and tepid sanctions aren’t working. If effectiveness is measured by outcome, the diaspora has failed to make its home countries respond adequately to Ukraine like they might to Israel. That sort of “friendship” is missing.
Is it fair to measure the diaspora against this standard?
What is fair is this.  All world democracies need to push forcefully for what is right: Ukraine’ sovereignty and territorial integrity as guaranteed by the Budapest Memorandum for giving up its nukes and later destroying tons of arms in the interest of  “global peace and security” is to be protected.
The self-respect of democracies, their stated values and moral authority demand this.  There is little hope that other nuclear power aspirants will give up their advantage, as Ukraine did, when the result is invasion by the enemy and no protection from guarantors.
Ukraine has every right to expect more. The diaspora must ensure that the guarantors—The United States, Britain and Russia— pressured by all democracies deliver.  This is the diaspora’s deliverable too.
What, then, needs to be done?
Most importantly, strengthen Ukraine’s military forces by training, equipping, supporting and deploying an invigorated national guard.  Fortify Ukraine’s fighting power with Nato, US and UN presence. Heed Andreiy Illarionov, former advisor to President Vladimir Putin: "No one will come to the assistance of a victim of aggression if the victim chooses not to fight."
Stop promoting Russia’s strengths—big, energy power—and highlight the truth.
It’s a third world power with energy assets. There are alternatives--Norway and others—to its energy.  It is riddled with poverty, alcoholism, drugs and unemployment.  Its economy equals Italy’s.  It’s some100 minorities are restless. The Mediterranean access is controlled by the Turks, a Nato country.  Russia needs Europe’s trade and euros.
Its boarder is gigantic; impossible to defend with its 150 thousand military.  Finland, the Scandies and Balts boarder the North. Turkey, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria fortify the Black Sea.  Freeze Russia’s banking industry headquartered in London and the assets of its leaders Putin, Lavrov and Medvedev and the despot may retreat.
Remove Russia from all international arrangements—including the G-7, WTO, UN’s Security Council for not meeting standards.
And stop pandering to its great historic past: it’s a myth.  Russia has been oppressive and murderous since Catherine the Great.  It has no right to dominate in its neighbourhood by force.  It must be contained and isolated “like cancer” as one politician put it.
The diaspora’s strongest tool is pressure on our governments to do the right thing for Ukraine as they would if we came under aggression.  This is our job; pressure and more pressure on our governments to make Russia back down or get punished for wielding a sword over Ukraine’s head.
By Oksana Bashuk Hepburn

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